What’s Happening?

Hi everyone! I hope 2020 is going at least somewhat well for everyone. It definitely has presented us with different challenges.

Within the last month, we have had Field Day 2020. It was a success, with several operating on-site at Bob and Gayle’s house. A BIG thank you to our hosts. And several operating from home which sounds like they too were successful. I cannot wait to see all the results.

Immediately following Field Day, we discovered the Baldy Repeater to be off the air. That’s no fun! So, we had our chance to practice a grid down type scenario for our nets for a couple of weeks. Just yesterday, I was accompanied by Bill Steele to the site where we changed the power supply on the repeater. That seemed to do the trick…it is still operational.

At our July 7th monthly meeting, Dave Merritt retired from his position of Emergency Coordinator. Dave agreed years ago to volunteer for 1 year until someone could take over. But, I think Dave had so much fun, he decided to stick it out for 4 more years. Thanks, Dave!!! You and your team did a great job of getting us where we are now. Dave was presented with a certificate of appreciation for all he has done. Cake and refreshments were also enjoyed.

With Dave’s retirement, that means someone has to fill the slot. The question was asked of me at Field Day and at the recommendation of Dave and Bob, our served agency representative, I accepted the offer. My name was submitted to the hierarchy within the state and ARRL and with the help of our very own member and District Emergency Coordinator, Dave Holten, WA7DH, I was assigned as Bonner County Emergency Coordinator.

The position does not come easily, as I have some big shoes to fill and a 5-year tenure of hard work to maintain and continue to build. I believe that is possible with everyone participating.

As with most volunteer groups, we have more folks on the roster than we do active members. I would love to see that change, the active part that is. That can easily begin just by checking in on the Net every Monday evening at 7 pm. I am Responding sends out a reminder every Monday at 6 pm. I hope to hear more of you on the air.

Meetings – I asked at the meeting if everyone was satisfied with our meeting day and time. I wasn’t sure if work schedules and/or dinner times were an issue, or if we should consider another day/time. The consensus of those present was to leave it as it is. So, it remains first Tuesday each month at 1730 hrs local.

I am Responding – if you do not get the reminders or any other alerts, please let me know so I can get you added. Send me an email at k7mee1 at gmail .com. Also, include who your cell phone service provider is.

Repeaters – I already touched on the Baldy Repeater. Hopefully, we will get the repeaters up onto Long Mountain soon. Our hopes are to have it linked directly to the Baldy machine. We are also looking at what we can do to get better coverage on the west side of the county; (Oldtown/Priest River/Newport, WA). Nothing so far, but we are looking at and discussing possibilities.

Multi-Use Facility – closed for in-person meetings until further notice. It is reserved for EMS personnel should anyone become COVID positive to have a place to quarantine should they not have anywhere. Previous arrangements within the county fell through and another option had to be found. We can hold Zoom meetings if the need arises, but for now, I think we will forgo any until at least after fair.

Fair – Yes, it is still happening. While most of the other events leading up to or during it have canceled (PRCA Rodeo, Challenge of Champions Bull Riding), our kids are still working on projects and will have them on display. And livestock auction is still planned. The fair is requesting everyone to be respectful of others and social distance at least 2 animal lengths apart, farm animal of your choosing. We plan to have the Comm’s Trailer at the fair again this year. We’ll get a sign-up sheet sent out soon for anyone wishing to participate.

Training – I would like for us to start having training more often. Be it monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly. We can do it on a Saturday to give us more time or another day if easier. We have Net Control training that we can do. There is also message handling training we can do.

ARES (State, National) – ARES hierarchy has been discussing the ARES Task Book quite heavily and the basic training requirements of members. Our served agency has a minimum requirement for us as IS-100, IS-200, IS-700 and IS-800, all part of the Incident Command System. If you haven’t had these classes, you can find them online.

This has been a long read for everyone, I’m sorry but, I wanted to fill everyone in on the changes and what’s been going on. Thanks for reading!

Mark, K7MEE

Bonner County EC

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